HomeParent's Special2 New Year Resolutions You Should Make As Parent

2 New Year Resolutions You Should Make As Parent

Each year we tend to make a lot of new year resolutions for us, many of which are left unfulfilled. However, this year you as a parent need to have two resolutions and it should be your prime concern to fulfill both of these.

Here Are The 2 New Year Resolutions You Should Make A Parent.

Ensure Having Family Meals

family meals

It is a well-known saying that a family that eats together lives together. Therefore, one of the resolutions that you as a parent needs to take this year is to ensure that you have family meals. How so ever hectic your schedule may be, one thing that you should never compromise is on family time. One of the best ways to ensure that the entire family sits together at least once in  day to share hall their whereabouts is to make sure that you have one of the three meals together. It is not necessary that the entire family sits down together for breakfast, it can be for dinners also though lunch timings can never be a match unless it is an off for all. So, one thing that you need to do right away is, inform all your family members that from now onwards you will be having one meal of the day together.

Reduce Screen Time

In today’s era of technology we are most of the time surrounded by technology in one way or the other either at our offices on computers or at home watching television. Rest of the time we tend to spend using our phones. Thus, one resolution that will bear good fruits is that of reducing the screen time. When at home, you ought to ensure and promise yourself that you will use as less mobile phones and other gadgets as possible. The time thus saved can be utilize either in family bonding or in pursuing leisure activities like yoga. This will also help you to keep your child away from the electronics as they will now be indulged in activities that involve you and your valued presence.

Read Also: Building Relationships Between Grandparents & Teenage Grandchildren

All in all, these are the 2 new year resolutions you should make as parent. Both of these are going to improve the quality of your life and help you spend more time with your children and family. However, you ought to ensure that you do not break these resolutions.

Dr. S.K. Jain
Dr. S. K. Jain,is a Senior Orthopaedic Surgeon with 20 years of expertise in the field of orthopaedic Surgeon. He has worked and got his training at various prestigious institutes in India and abroad.. Read More..


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